Wednesday, November 11, 2009

5 + 1 successful key

Posted by Anggasora at 2:07 AM 0 comments
You want successful? at least there five matters and one keyword that must you have. fifth that thing optimist taste, has alive aim, mengomunikasi self, has kecintaan in job that done and work ability. while word the key action.

business partner, in business wisdom today i want to return to narated about five successful rules i find and i am sharing with friends in several chance ago. for successful we want five matters.

first, we want attitude very positive in see this alive. our attitude must always optimistic and see this life from good side. if we always posed pessimist, passive, sad, misery, so we shall not ever achieve successful. we must has optimist attitude and will believe that this alive always better.

second, we must has aim that us want to what. we must know to want to do to what and where go. if we always do a certain just because suruhan person or duty, but ourselves doesn't has alive aim, so we shall not be big.

third, must can mengomunikasi our self. good mengomunikasi our aim, influence subordinate so that can work better, also mengomunikasi every thing with our leaders. we must can to do good communication with them. good with conversation, sign language, our job is and or with another matters.

fourth, must has kecintaan towards job whom we do. if we don't have passion or kecintaan towards job, i am sure will not ever there success in your self and job whom you do in this time. because successful only may be happen when you love what you do in this time.

fifth, we must has work ability. even so you has fourth it but incapable of do that job, so useless. we must can to do what wanted to achieve successful that. knowledge and skill must always you are build. of course word the key learn better compared when you do it in the past.

fifth this matter necessary but musical note sufition. fifth that thing all important for you. but five that thing insufficient. if not yet enough of course you must add word action. if you have only fifth it without membarengi by action to achieve desirable aim, so all the same with liely. and you will not ever achieve that aim.

fifth the mentioned and with one keyword action, so at situ will grow your success. demikain business wisdom today. good five matters and one word, that is action this can to drive you are successful people who.

tanadisantoso. com

Environment Effect

Posted by Anggasora at 1:59 AM 0 comments
environment (environment) of vital importance mean for us. this matter is future forms individual we are later on day. if live in negative environment, we shall be ugly. on the contrary. if we live in good environment so we also will be good.

business partner, business wisdom today will tell about a mother that bring the child moves house. first time he lives in near cemetary. after several long the child watches that every day he see person buries corpse and others. so child even also play with manner like that. at home even also he plays with matters that grave. sad the mother see that the child development.

then he moves house again to near market. after a few moments he lives in situ, the child begins to learn nyopet. when does the mother ask, " lho, you kok can pickpocket swiftly? " the child answers, " iya, my the exercise see neighbours all clever pickpocket. so i want to learn nyopet so that can fast money. " the mother so sad. he thinks long and final decided to move to other place.

final membawalah child move to near school. a piquancy, this child begins to speak about school, school life and about sciences exist in those school. this child quickly learn to read, write and others. this child is famous child. the name mong tse or one of the famous philosopher from country china. the words, " mother from this child move thrice to get place that suited for the child. "

this a story that all at once describe to how environment very interesting or environment around we are so important in our life. because if environment we that is ugly, so by itself we also ugly. if we are close to ink, so we shall hit the black. while if we are close to good something that, so we also ketularan good matter.

in business life, environment or life around we that is of vital importance. we may not forget to who that pal up with us in this time. because this matter will form environment, way of thinking, learn us. if around we are good people who, so we shall be bot b. if our friends is one who enthusiastic, so we shall be enthusiastic also. because actually we are all mutual contagious habit and mutual give input into self masins – masing.

this story is of vital importance to everyone. that is if want to be successful, so we must look for environment towards our job good and correct. friends whom we look for must good. we may choose friend because we have right for that.

try to look for good friend so that environment in business, environment, thinking, and all in our life is environment both for brings you successful quicker.

such kernel business wisdom today. good you live in correct environment, so that be one who correct also. if your environment is negative, think to look for place better.

tanadisantoso. com

Simplify Your Business

Posted by Anggasora at 1:58 AM 0 comments
business never easy to go through. always there difficulty, obstacle and or problem that disturb the development. but don't mind deficit. michael hummer try to give several points that can push to company you are successful.

first, he says that make to company you so that easy to invited berbisnis. make to company you so that simple and easy invited transaction. as does mcdonald, only come person, ntri a moment then pay and finished the transaction. don't make to company you are difficult. as does person looks for you are difficult, find your product price also same the difficult. that only will make to company you never can bloom.

second, tambahi your customer values. more added value to your is customer. if your consumer only wishes for goods, so send that goods with package that interestings. if he wishes for simple ticket, so send that ticket with service that interestings. this matter value increase from goods.

third, study your business process. because michael hummer famous with reengineering, so he always say to how to face customer you. begin from he knows and meet with company you, up to pay all goods that -delivery. so process word is keyword and must be repaired with as well possible.

fourth, try in general can change creativity be rutinitas. how can we change our job everyday be a creativity? this a certain difficult matter, but at here the important innovation and creativity.

fifth, ukur your performance is according to komprehensip. everything can be measuresed and determine correct measuring rod, because if not there refuse ukur we shall not ever know that us this good or not yet.

sixth, pick profit from uncertainty. mean, we must fleskibel, especially in indonesia, where uncertainty so magnitude. change quantity of vital importance happen in indonesia. because that change, make to company us as flexible as may be.

seventh, focus in customer ends. may be we sell handphone passes a importer, menytributor, retailer new to customer. so necessary payed by us end customer.

eight, eliminate boundaries and work equal to who even also. don't ever think that you are person marketing, production or the other. because all that is unnecessary. we must think that any from company us, everybody, all partnership we and with whom even also we unite to give best product to customer.

binth, try to brace our competence, cooperate with company other and only memfokus our self is in our kernel ability. what can we do best, so fokuskan there. that way we can hope to company us can progress eminently.

such business wisdom today. good be of benefit to you and ones around you.

tanadisantoso. com

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