You want successful? at least there five matters and one keyword that must you have. fifth that thing optimist taste, has alive aim, mengomunikasi self, has kecintaan in job that done and work ability. while word the key action.
business partner, in business wisdom today i want to return to narated about five successful rules i find and i am sharing with friends in several chance ago. for successful we want five matters.
first, we want attitude very positive in see this alive. our attitude must always optimistic and see this life from good side. if we always posed pessimist, passive, sad, misery, so we shall not ever achieve successful. we must has optimist attitude and will believe that this alive always better.
second, we must has aim that us want to what. we must know to want to do to what and where go. if we always do a certain just because suruhan person or duty, but ourselves doesn't has alive aim, so we shall not be big.
third, must can mengomunikasi our self. good mengomunikasi our aim, influence subordinate so that can work better, also mengomunikasi every thing with our leaders. we must can to do good communication with them. good with conversation, sign language, our job is and or with another matters.
fourth, must has kecintaan towards job whom we do. if we don't have passion or kecintaan towards job, i am sure will not ever there success in your self and job whom you do in this time. because successful only may be happen when you love what you do in this time.
fifth, we must has work ability. even so you has fourth it but incapable of do that job, so useless. we must can to do what wanted to achieve successful that. knowledge and skill must always you are build. of course word the key learn better compared when you do it in the past.
fifth this matter necessary but musical note sufition. fifth that thing all important for you. but five that thing insufficient. if not yet enough of course you must add word action. if you have only fifth it without membarengi by action to achieve desirable aim, so all the same with liely. and you will not ever achieve that aim.
fifth the mentioned and with one keyword action, so at situ will grow your success. demikain business wisdom today. good five matters and one word, that is action this can to drive you are successful people who.
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